
Tai Chi Chuan, top Chinese martial arts

Tai Chi Chuan

If you wander around the park in the morning, you can have an impressed sight of the old’s doing exercises, most of whom are doing Tai Chi. You may find it strange to see the unique pattern of it, but the Tai Chi is an internal Chinese martial art practiced for both its defense training and its health benefits.

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Tai Chi Chuan has a long history in China, which dates back to Qing Dynasty. It has a close relation with deep meaning of Chinese classical philosophy. Tai Chi shoes When it comes to the origin of Tai Chi, we can find out many legendary tales and someone claims that Zhang Sanfeng is the founder of Tai Chi, which is not so evidential. According to Tanghao’s textual search at the beginning of the Republic, Tai Chi that people do today should be created from one of the branches of “Chenjiagou boxing”. Tai Chi T-shirts Tai Chi Chuan developed to be popular at the beginning of the Republic and was widely spread after the establishment of the People's Republic of China.
There are five major styles of Tai Chi Chuan., each named after the Chinese family from which it originated. They are Chen-style of Chen Wangting, Yang-style of Yang Luchan, Wu-style of Wu Yu-hsiang, Wu-style of Wu Chuanyu and Sun-style of Sun Lutang. Taichi basically has 13 forms or postures including a full range of training of people’s body, which puts firmness and flexibility together.

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In 1950s, China began to improve the mass physical training activities, treating Taichi as a fitness program. From 1985, several sessions of national Tai Chi Chuan competition has been held in different cities, Tai chi Clothing Uniform which adds to its popularity and shows that Taichi is playing a more and more important role in our life.

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Also, Tai Chi has a close relation with art. In many martial arts and fighting action movies, series, and novels, especially in those ones which belong to the wuxia genre, you can find Tai Chi and its beauty shine. Tai Chi Clothing There are many famous movies that are worth seeing if you want to have a further knowledge of Tai Chi, including Kung Fu Cult Master, Drunken Tai Chi, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and so on. 

 Tai Chi Clothing

As it’s more and more popular, the importance and benefits of Tai Chi are apparent to people. For the old, doing Tai Chi is a perfect way to maintain their health. This kind of exercises can not only help them with balance control, cardiopulmonary function and dexterity, but also help to relax tension and mental anxiety. Apart from these, Tai Chi is beneficial for the young people with its function to help enhance attention span, maintain a healthy weight, and relieve diabetes.
Next time you walk by the park after you wake up, don’t forget to join the old doing Tai Chi with the sunshine and breeze, for it is a superb way to keep fit for yourself. 


