
General Introduction of Tai Chi Chuan

Tai Chi Chuan is known as a national intangible cultural heritage, while it is also approved to be one of the most famous traditional Chinese Boxing.

Tai Chi Chuan’ s core idea is yin and yang, which are two opposing principles in nature—the former one is feminine and negative and the latter one is masculine and positive. Buy Tai Chi T-shits on ICNbuys.com. The differentiation of Yin and Yan syndrome is most essential and complicated. Tai Chi diagram is a circular black-and-white fish pattern, which is commonly called Yin Yang Fish.

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In the seventeenth century, Chen Wang Ting first created the Tai Chi Chuan on the basic of his family fist which was handed down from the older generations of the family, absorbing the merits of martial arts, yi-ology and traditional medical science. Buy Tai Chi Shoes on ICNbuys.com. There are five major styles of Tai Chi Chuan and each of them were named after the chinese family from which it originated. They are Chen-style, Yang-style, Wu-style, Wu-style and Yang-style. The major family style share much underlying theory, but differ in their approaches to training. Some people also hold a view that it was created by Zhang San Feng, who developed it in the light of Qi when he was in close practice.

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Concentrating on correct posture and breathing control, its movement is fluid, graceful and well balanced, promoting the complete harmony of body and mind. Practicing Tai Chi Chuan could improve your immune system, central nervous system and strengthen the fitness, according to the scientific research. When practicing the Tai Chi Chuan, you can enjoy the natural breathing and physical relaxation through your slow movement. Best Tai Chi t-shirts. Because of its gentle and circular movements, it is easy to learn for health improvement and is suitable for almost everyone, integrating their mind and body. It is not surprised to see that there are many people practicing Tai Chi Chuan on the playground every morning to exercise themselves.

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Softness is stronger than hardness, moving in a curve is better than in a straight line. Tai Chi Chuan use the power on a point to break the balance of the enemy in a more soft way, which is especially different from western types of sports and tussles which hold a view that harder and quicker make the better. Differences make it more attractive to foreigners. Tai Chi Chuan is the quintessence of chinese culture and many foreigners learn it in China. It has gradually become a connection of different races, different nationalities, different languages and different cultures. Moreover, it has become an important carrier of spreading chinese culture and communication with others. 

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Tai Chi Chuan plays an important role in many martial arts and fighting action movies, series and novels, especially in those ones which belong to the wuxia genre. I feel deeply impressed when I saw the movie called Shaolin soccer, which show exaggerated portrayals of various internal and soft martial art including Tai Chi Chuan.

Tai Chi Chuan is the quintessence of chinese culture and constantly advanced with the times. As a university student, we need to protect our valuable heritage and carry forward and make it spread across the world.


